Aust Asian Driving School
Melbourne, Victoria.
+61 434 044 847
Mobile Number
Vehicle Type —Please choose an option—AutoManual
Date(s) Wanted for Lesson(s)
Time(s) Wanted
Have you had any driving experience? —Please choose an option—YesNo
If yes, then which of the following conditions have you experienced —Please choose an option—Main RoadResidential RdFreewayGravel RdInner City RdRural highwayWetDryHeavy trafficMedium trafficLight traffic Tip: To select multiple choices, hold down the CRTL key
How many hours have you driven so far?
How did you hear about us?
Additional Comments
Price —Please choose an option—45 Minute Driving Lesson – $5060 Minute Driving Lesson – $6590 Minute Driving Lesson – $956 Driving Lesson Package – $28010 Driving Lesson Package – $500